Building HTML5 Alexa Games

In addition to our brand-new, debut game, The Vortex, we had an opportunity to work with Amazon to develop a prototype for a very different kind of Alexa game: one built using the full power and flexibility of WebGL and the HTML5 canvas.

At Doppio, we want all of our games to deliver immersive, narrative-driven experiences for our players. We believe voice is an amazing input method for bringing the player right into the story, but we’re also very excited about combining voice with compelling, complementary visuals. Today's announcement of the Alexa Presentation Language (APL), which we used to build The Vortex’s visual experience, greatly pushes the bar forward on the level of visual quality and on-screen interactivity that Alexa games can provide, and we can’t wait to share that with you very soon.

HTML5 support will allow us to go even further than that. We built our prototype in Unity, a best-in-class game engine that we’ve been using for years to deliver great visual experiences on other platforms. The demo features a fully-3D environment and characters delivered to the device right over the web. And of course, it’s still a fully voice-driven experience: you launch the game as you would any other Alexa skill, and during gameplay you simply respond to prompts or issue commands to Alexa as desired.

Check out these videos for a taste of what we were able to put together with APL’s upcoming HTML5 support:

We know this is going to help us produce even cooler experiences for Alexa in the future, and we’re hard at work building those for you right now.

Interested in joining us? Let us know!

Special Thanks

We had a lot of help getting this prototype together, and we want to extend some special thanks to those people here.

Writing & Design

Jeferson Valadares
Lead Designer

Greg Buchanan
Lead Writer

Heather Antos
Gary Kings


Christopher Barnes
Lead Engineer

Allen Sanderlin


Ivan Ortega
Lead Artist

Bradley Morgan Johnson
Storyboarding Artist


João Mascarenhas
Sound Designer

And a Very Special Thanks to

The Amazon Alexa Team!