Press Coverage
English coverage
Netflix brings '3%' episodic game to Alexa, Google Assistant. Sify. Oct 9, 2019.
This voice-only controlled game is based on Netflix's '3%' series. TweakTown, Oct 9, 2019.
Netflix and Doppio Games partner to create voice-controlled game The 3% Challenge. Yahoo! Entertainment. Oct 8, 2019.
Netflix Gets Into Gaming, But Not In The Way You'd Think. Android Headlines. Oct 8, 2019.
Doppio Games Pushes Boundaries of Voice-Controlled Gaming & Entertainment with The 3% Challenge. GamePress. Oct 8, 2019.
Netflix Brings '3%' Episodic Game to Alexa, Google Assistant. Latestly. Oct 8, 2019.
Netflix and Doppio Games partner to create voice-controlled game The 3% Challenge. Information Buzzer. Oct 8, 2019.
Netflix and Doppio Games partner to create voice-controlled game The 3% Challenge. RocketNews. Oct 8, 2019.
Netflix's '3%' gets its own voice game on Alexa and Google Assistant. Engadget. Oct 8, 2019.
Netflix and Doppio Games partner to create voice-controlled game The 3% Challenge. VentureBeat. Oct 8, 2019.
10 Lisbon-based startups to look out for in 2019 and beyond. EU-Startup. August 7, 2019.
Alexa is powering new games where you control the action with your voice. MIT Technology Review. July 25, 2019.
Nintendo and Tencent Announce Press Event; Conversational Developer Doppio Secures €1m (£897,000) in Seed Funding. The Gaming Economy. July 24, 2019.
"The definitive voice game has not been built yet": Why Doppio raised $1.1m to make games for Alexa. PC Games Insider. July 24, 2019.
Google and Amazon invest in ‘conversational’ voice-controlled game developer, Doppio. MCV. July 24, 2019.
2 gaming veterans raised $1 million from Amazon and Google to make games you can only play by voice. Business Insider. July 23, 2019.
Doppio Games raises $1.1 million for voice-controlled games. July 23, 2019.
Doppio raises $1.1 million from Google and Amazon for voice-controlled games. Gamasutra. July 23, 2019.
Google, Amazon invests in voice-controlled games studio Doppio. July 23, 2019.
Makers of voice games secure €1m investment. Game World Observer. July 22, 2019.
Videos: Build Interactive Voice-First Games for Alexa. Amazon Developer Blogs. May 16, 2019.
Best Alexa Games for 2019. Dwelling Trends. December 16, 2018.
Portuguese and Spanish coverage
Estúdio português lança jogo oficial da série “3%” da Netflix. PCGuia. Oct 9, 2019. In Portuguese.
Desafio 3%. Startup portuguesa lança jogo oficial da série da Netflix. Noticias ao Minuto. Oct 9, 2019. In Portuguese.
Estúdio português lança jogo da série 3% da Netflix. Eurogamer. Oct 9, 2019. In Portuguese.
Startup portuguesa lança jogo para a série “3%” da Netflix. Sapo. Oct 9, 2019. In Portuguese.
Jogo inovador para série brasileira 3% desenvolvido por estúdio português. Shifter. Oct 9, 2019. In Portuguese.
Portuguesa Doppio cria jogo oficial de série da Netflix. O Jornal Económico. Oct 8, 2019. In Portuguese.
Startup portuguesa Doppio lança jogo oficial de série original da Netflix. Dinheiro Vivo. Oct 8, 2019. In Portuguese.
Portuguesa Doppio cria jogo oficial da série "3%" da Netflix. Observador. Oct 8, 2019. In Portuguese.
Portuguesa Doppio lança jogo oficial para série original da Netflix “3%”. DN Insider. Oct 8, 2019. In Portuguese.
Fallo de sistema - 369: We All Win - 28/07/19. RTVE. July 28, 2019. In Spanish.
Startup portuguesa Doppio vai lançar jogo controlado por voz. O Jornal Económico. July 25, 2019. In Portuguese.
Portuguesa Doppio fecha ronda de 1 milhão de euros. Amazon e Google entre os investidores. Observador. July 23, 2019. In Portuguese.
Portuguesa Doppio fecha ronda de um milhão. Amazon entre os investidores. Eco. July 23, 2019. In Portuguese.
Amazon e Google investem em startup portuguesa Doppio. Dinehrio Vivo. July 23, 2019. In Portuguese.
Doppio Games - Entrevista a Jeferson Valadares. Gamereactor. July 1, 2019. In Spanish.
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